A Level Results Day 2024

Ark Globe Academy Students Achieve Remarkable A level and BTEC Results
Group and Principal - A Level Results Day 2024

Students at Ark Globe Academy in Southwark are celebrating excellent A level and BTEC success. The students have worked incredibly hard and acquired excellent grades, and many have secured places at top universities including Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, Kings College London, Warwick, Bristol, Bath and Queen Mary. Some have also secured places on highly selective, sought-after courses including Computer Science, Economics and Law. Overall, 79 percent of students are going to a top third university, nearly three times the national average,  and two students have secured a place at Oxbridge.

Students celebrating today include:  

Mario Manuel Mendes Godinho will be going to the University of Cambridge to study Land Economy. Mario achieved an A* in Mathematics, A in Economics and A in Spanish. Mario has worked hard to achieve his goals and is a shining example to the school community that hard work pays off.  Mario said, "I am excited and relieved! My journey has had challenges. It was really difficult at the start, but with my hard work and the support of my teachers, I am so happy I could achieve these grades."

Yanzu Wu, who achieved D*D*D* in the BTEC Business Professional Pathway, will study Business Management at Queen Mary University of London. Yanzu has been an integral part of the sixth form.  As a Student Union member, Yanzu has supported all students, especially in helping the Year 12 students settle into the sixth form. Yanzu has overcome some personal challenges but has worked incredibly hard and shown such dedication. Yanzu said, "I'm in disbelief. I worked hard, but I still wasn't expecting these grades. I have had to overcome managing my Tourette Syndrome, which has not always been easy. It can distract me in class and sometimes make it difficult to focus. I am so proud of myself, and I want to thank all my teachers and all the Globe staff. At the start of the year, I wrote in my notebook, I scribbled everywhere D*D*D*, and I said to Mr Owen, "Sir, I will hold that grade card up on results day; you can take my photo, and I will be on the school website."

Luke Baptiste is heading to Kings' College London to study Computer Science. Luke wishes to pursue a career in cyber security or AI. When Luke joined Ark Globe, he was eager to learn, and from Year 7 onwards, he quickly started taking on leadership opportunities in the school, including speaking at open evenings.  Luke has always been an exceptional student who has embodied our culture pyramid throughout his time at Ark Globe.  Luke said, "I feel overwhelmed. I expected these grades to an extent, but I am very happy. I am proud of myself and thankful for the support from my parents, peers, and grandparents. I am excited about the new journey, environment and making new friends.”

Ibrahim Mumtaz will be going to University College London to study Economics. He achieved an A* in Mathematics, A* in Further Mathematics, and A in Economics. Ibrahim joined Ark Globe in Year 7 and has always been a positive member of the school community. He said, "I am ecstatic about my results. My heart was racing in the morning, but it was an emotional moment when I learnt that I got into my first-choice university, and I am excited."

Cleashei Nicolas, who achieved D*D*D* in BTEC Business Professional Pathways, will be going to City, University of London, to study Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Cleashei said, "It feels amazing to have finally accomplished what I wanted to do, but the professionalism at our school sets you up for the workplace and university. I'm very proud of myself.  I can't even put it into words.

Sahl will be going to the University of Oxford to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics with Foundation Year. Sahl has been at Ark Globe Academy for 14 years, ever since Reception! Sahl is the first person in his family to attend university in the UK.  Sahl said, "You might get a lot of people who will doubt you, but just having that growth mindset to convince yourself that, if you do work hard enough, you will get to places you never thought you would."

Executive Principal Matt Jones OBE said, "A Level and BTEC results day is an extremely special and important day for our community, and we are incredibly proud of our Year 13 students. Today marks an important milestone in their academic journey, and we look forward to watching them flourish as leaders in our community.

"Ark Globe has had another excellent set of exam results. These outcomes mean that our students are going to further their studies at many of the best institutions in the country. I am grateful for the commitment and skill of our staff members who have empowered a generation of Globe students to achieve their dreams."