The transition from primary to secondary is a very exciting time, but this big leap can also be daunting for both children and their families. At Ark Globe Academy, our aim is to make this process as smooth and enjoyable as possible for all.
Transition Events
- Thursday 1 May 2025, 4:00pm—7:00pm - Administration Evening
- Saturday 21 June 2025, 11:00am—2:00pm - Summer Fair
- Wednesday 2 July 2025, 9:00am—2:45pm - Y6/Y7 Transition Day
- Monday 14 July 2025 - Y6/Y7 Parent Information Evening
- Monday 18 August – Friday 22 August 2025, 9:30am—2:30pm - Summer School
- Wednesday 3 September 2025 - First Day of School
Get in touch!
First day of school
On Wednesday 3 September 2025, Year 7 students should arrive to school for 8:30am in full school uniform, including their bag and equipment. This will be their first full school day and students will finish at 3:30pm.
Our approved supplier is Whitehall Clothiers (77 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EZ).
Ark Globe Academy issue vouchers for parents to claim the following free items, if applicable:
- Free school bag for every student.
- Free tie for boys - ties are to be worn by boys as part of our uniform policy. Students will be given a McKinley or Elbrus tie, depending on what small school they have been allocated.
- Free blazer for any student entitled to benefit-related free school meals.
Southwark Council offers clothing grant vouchers worth £45 to eligible families who meet the qualifying criteria, so that they can purchase their new Year 7 child’s secondary school uniform. For further information about the Southwark clothing grant voucher scheme and to access the application form, families can visit the Southwark Council website.
School meals
We are a cashless school. You will be provided with a letter and instructions around how to set up an account with ParentPay. Your accounts will be registered using the email address you have provided us with.
The price for a meal deal which includes either a hot meal or baguette and a dessert is £2.34. If your child is eligible for benefit-related free school meals, their accounts will automatically be credited with the meal allowance. If this allowance is not used, the balance will be cleared at the end of the day.
Breakfast is not included and will need to be paid for separately via ParentPay.
You can keep up to date with the lunch menus through our Parent Hub.
Free School Meals
As part of your child's enrolment to Ark Globe Academy, we check their eligibility. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, we will provide you with a voucher which you can exchange for a FREE blazer. In order to determine if you are eligible and to apply please click here. We will provide you with an update confirming whether or not your child’s free school meal application has been successful, or if we need further information from you. If you have already submitted further evidence to support your free school meal application, we will check this for you and provide an update during summer school week.
Please kindly note that if your child was entitled to free school meals in their primary school, this does not guarantee that they will be eligible from Year 7. Free school meals eligibility is determined at the time of checking based on the information provided.
Medical conditions
It is essential that the school are provided with up to date documentation, including medical care plans, if applicable.
Parents and carers with parental responsibility have a duty to provide these details and to inform the Academy office immediately of any changes, especially in emergency contact numbers.
We only accept medication in its original packaging with a clear prescription label which can be handed in during the summer school week, or on the first day of term.
Parent Hub
Visit our Parent Hub for key information and resources for our parents, carers and families.

Contact us
If you require any further information on the process or need to speak to us further about your child’s place at Ark Globe Academy, then please feel free to contact us on 020 7407 6877 or via email at