A Level

We celebrated another year of excellent A level results. This year, we are sending 38% of our students to a Russell Group university and 70% of our students are off to a top third destination – university, course or apprenticeship.
Including one of our students who secured a degree apprenticeship with the Bank of America and she will study Digital and Tech Solutions simultaneously. She is excited to become a ‘woman in tech’ and inspire younger generations.
Our Executive Principal, Mr Jones said:
“Sixth Form Result Day is always an inspiring occasion. This year is not an exception. What the students achieved during a difficult time for them personally and for the country is extraordinary. It’s great to see so many of them secure high-quality destinations at either a top university or apprenticeship. I’d like to thank our students and adults at the Academy for their commitment to ensuring that every student reaches their full potential.”
Here are some of our high achievers.
Ramon Vivasi
D* D* D* Business
Ramon will go to Nottingham Trent University to study Accounting and Finance. He said:
“When I opened my results envelope, I was overwhelmed. Really surprised. I thought that maybe I would get one D*, but I got three! I am very happy.
I started at Globe at Year 7, but after Secondary, I left for a sixth form college. It wasn’t the right place for me. I came back to Globe after a few months there. Teacher support at Globe, especially during the lockdown was essential. They were very hands on. It was definitely helpful.
I will go to Nottingham Trent University to do a degree in Accounting and Finance. My brother works in finance, and he was my inspiration to go into this pathway."
Marin Dishkov
4 As in Biology, Maths, Physics and Extended Project
Marin will go to UCL to study Biomedical Engineering. He said:
“It feels good to receive these results, it’s been a long journey for me. To be honest, I was expecting these results, but I didn’t want to jinx it, so I didn’t even say it to myself.
I came to Ark Globe in Year 8. I didn’t speak any English back then. I came from Bulgaria with my aunt and uncle. I worked very hard. I wasn’t the best student in Bulgaria and had to learn English first to achieve well here.
I will study Biomedical Engineering at the UCL. I am so excited about, can’t wait. I want to work for a company which makes bionic prosthetics. I wanted to get into this career firstly because of my grandma, who lost her leg and had to wear plastic prosthetics. It wasn’t comfortable for her. Then I watched a TED talk, which was very inspirational. This person, who gave the talk, lost his leg too and made his own prosthetic leg and was able to climb a mountain after that. I would like to work hard to make disabled people abled. That’s my aspiration.
My parents and siblings live in Bulgaria. I called them; they are all very happy for me.”
Divine Ayangbola
D* D* D Business
Divine will go to Nottingham Trent University to study Digital Marketing. He said:
“I am very happy, overwhelmed. I didn’t expect to get D*s, I thought that I would get only Ds.
I am very happy and impressed with the results. I put a lot of hard work in. It was a journey. I wasn’t in school for two months, as I went to a sixth form college at first. I wasn’t happy there and came back to Globe. I had a lot to catch up. My teachers were very supportive. They helped me, pushed me, and kept me on my toes.
I will go to Nottingham Trent University and study Digital Marketing. I would like to work for a consultancy agency and help different companies to achieve their communication goals.
I play football too. I aim to play for the university team and a club in Nottingham.”
Tanjid Khan
D* D* D* Business
Tanjid will go to Queen Mary University to study Business Management. He said:
“I was very happy to receive these results, but I was also expecting it. I will study Business Management at Queen Mary University.”
Moryam Begum
3 As Computer Science, English Literature and Sociology
Moryam will go to UCL to study Security and Crime Science. She said:
“When I opened the envelope, I felt shocked. I wasn’t expecting it.
I feel overwhelmed. I haven’t processed it yet. I called my mum and sister. They are very happy and proud.
I joined Globe in Year 12. Everyone was very welcoming. I quickly settled in and made friends.
I will study Security and Crime Science. I want to go into security sector and help make the world a safer place through technology.”
Salama Khan
2A*s Further Maths and Maths, and 2 As Computer Science and Physics
Salama will go to Kings College to study Computer Science. He said:
“I chose to forget about the results, so I had no expectations. I am content now. I am grateful with what I got.
I will study Computer Science at King’s College London. I am very excited about it. It’s a new environment. I have been at Globe since Nursery, so it will be different.
There is no way to describe how grateful I am with my time at Globe, with the growth that I achieved. Globe has pushed me to become my own person and the individual I am today. I understood myself much better and now, I help other students to understand their problems and support them through their journeys.”
Safiya Behanzin
3Bs Chemistry, Maths and Physics
Safiya will start her degree apprenticeship with the Bank of America and study Digital and Tech Solution at Ada National College for Digital Skills. She said:
“I feel ready for the business world. I chose a degree apprenticeship, because I thought that I would do better in the world of work. I like multitasking and doing different things. I worked through my A levels, and I believe that it prepared me for the apprenticeship. I would like to see how the theory, what we learn during the degree, applies in actual situations.
I am also excited to work in tech industry, where there aren’t many women. This is definitely a different pathway that I take as a woman, when I look at my family history. I hope that I progress in the business world and inspire young people. Apprenticeship route is not spoken about enough.”
Kehinde Solowe
A* Biology and 2As Chemistry and Maths
Kehinde will go to UCL to study Biochemistry. She said:
“I am happy and proud of myself. I see with the grades that I got and that my hard work paid off. I was surprised, as I didn’t expect to get A* in Biology.
I am relieved that me and my sister both got the same results. In GCSEs one of us got better result and we didn’t like it. I am very proud for both of us.
It was a tough year. I don’t know how I did during the lockdown. I felt lost at the beginning of the first lockdown, but then I made huge improvement. I am very grateful for the tiny space we created in our family’s living room with my sister. We live with our parents and two older brothers. We turned a tiny table into a workspace and it was in the same room with the TV. We sometimes had to ask our parents to turn the volume down. They were very understanding. I would like to thank our parents, brothers, and grandma for supporting us during the lockdown. Also, huge thank you to my sister. We supported each other, pushed each other and did revisions together.”
Deborah Solowe
A* Maths and 2As Chemistry and Physics
Deborah will go to UCL to study Engineering. She said:
“It hasn’t sunk in yet. Because we didn’t do the exams, it was very different this year. I am very happy and very proud for my sister for keeping on going despite the challenges she had.
I recommend everyone to choose a subject that they will enjoy rather than just to get high grades. Doing the tasks before the lessons and pre-reading can also be very helpful. I think it’s good to be proactive learners.
I would like to thank my teachers, as they went outside their ways to support us. They created resources, videos during the lockdown and pushed us all.”
Ishraht Samad
D* D* D* Business
Ishraht will go to Queen Mary to study Accounting and Management. He said:
“These results are very unexpected. I didn’t expect it, but we all worked very hard. It is so nice to see everyone happy. When you think, it’s well-deserved too. The community at Globe is perfect. It is helpful, friendly. I am very happy and excited for everyone.
I will study Accounting and Management at Queen Mary University, which was my first choice. I will take the chartered accountancy exam after the university.”
Our Year 11s received fantastic GCSE results today. We had many happy faces across the Academy.
Our Executive Principal, Matt Jones said:
“Another inspiring results day at Ark Globe Academy. Our students and adults have worked extremely hard to ensure that students achieved the grades they needed for their preferred destinations despite significant disruption during the Covid pandemic. The majority of our students are going on to study A levels and vocational courses in our amazing Sixth Form and we look forward to welcoming them back in September. For those leaving us to pursue their preferred next steps, I would like to thank them personally for their efforts and contributions to the Ark Globe community.”
Here are some of our high achievers:
Fabiana Monteiro
Six 9s, three 8s and a 7
“When I got my results, I didn’t open the envelope and waited for my friends. We wanted to open at the same time. I was so shocked to see the numbers, I didn’t even pay attention to the subjects at first. All of my friends’ reaction was great. It was a cool moment.
I was really unsure about my results. I always downplay how I did at every single test. My family expected better than I told them what to expect. But they always support me and say that no matter what grades I get, they love me. This means a lot to me.
My journey through the GCSEs was full of anxiety and self-confidence issues. The uncertainties around the exams or grades made is nerve wracking for me. Most of us put our self-worth in our grades, but grades are just numbers. It doesn’t reflect truly who we are.
I am very passionate about science. I will study A levels at Globe and will do biology, chemistry and maths. Now I would like to focus on A levels and really enjoy these subjects that I am very passionate about. I would like to just enjoy them for what they are. I love these subjects with my whole heart.
I think I am so lucky because we always had the best science teachers at Globe. They always brought something extra to the classroom. They didn’t just stick to the curriculum and made science so much fun for us. This is why I fell in love with these subjects.
I love design and arts too. So I hope that I can find a career that combines creativity with sciences.”
Dayanara Campana
Six 9s, an 8 and four 7s
“I am very happy with my results overall, but happiest with maths. I was worried this morning. I worked very hard for these results, so I am now relieved.
My mum has always backed me up and my teachers supported me a lot. They always want the best for you. It was a rollercoaster the last couple of years.
I started Globe in Year 7 and the friends I made here are for life. At Globe, you never see people on the corner, alone. People are never separated; everyone is friends here.
I have two younger sisters and sometimes feel the pressure to do well so that I can become a role model to them. I must set the standards.
I would like to go to Oxford to study Immunisation. That is my aspiration.”
Kinga Gorska
Four 9s, two 8s, three 7s and two 6s
“I tried not to set any expectations, but I had an idea about what I would get. My results are even better than I could imagine. I didn’t expect four 9s. To get 9s especially in those subjects that I am very passionate about is great.
I started Globe in Year 7. Globe has a very good community atmosphere. Teachers are always there for anyone. They are very accommodating and welcoming.
It was weird being at home for almost a year and not knowing if the exams were going to happen. But we had to keep going and be prepared for anything.
I would like to thank my mum, family, and friends. My friends were always there for me and make sure that I stayed happy and positive, and this reflected on my grades too.
I will go to Globe Sixth Form and study history, computer science, maths and art A levels.”
Sebri Musa
Three 9s, two 8s, three 7s and two 6s
“I am surprised for my science results. I thought that I would get a mediocre result, but I got two 9s and an 8 in science instead. I worked hard but was worried a lot too. It was kind of tough to find motivation, not knowing if we were going to do the exams or not. You had to be ready and do revisions.
My brother got his GCSE results last year. He was very helpful throughout this last year, but also, he put pressure on me. I didn’t want to be worse than what he did. We got more or less the same now. I got more 9s but he got more 8s.
To the younger students, I would say prepare for anything, make sure you have time for revisions. Don’t leave it to last minute.
I love art and football. I want to go to a top Russell Group university but am not yet sure what I want to do as a job. I just would like to focus on enjoying my A levels. I will do maths, further maths, physics and computer science. ”
Olivia Hardinges
Four 9s, two 8s, a 7, a 6, a 5, and a 4
“I am shocked with the 9s. I didn’t expect to get them. I am most proud of my 9s, especially in English.
The biggest challenge I had was not knowing what was going to happen with the exams. It was difficult. It felt like waiting for a long time.
My friends supported me a lot. We have very strong friendship at Globe. You can see that everyone is happy for each other today.
I would like to thank to my learning leads. They were helpful and encouraging from the beginning.
My advice for younger students is trying to focus on what you do each day. It’s easy to get distracted or stressed, but try to avoid it.
I will go to Globe Sixth Form and do sociology, politics, and history A levels. I would like to study Law at the uni. This is something that I wanted to do since I was a child.”
Billnd Rasoul
A 9, five 8s, three 7s and a 6
“I was very tense. I didn’t know what would be in the envelope. When I opened it I felt a huge wave of relief.
I am most proud of my maths result. I struggled with it a lot, but am very happy to see that I managed to improve it. This result means a lot to me.
I have been at Globe since Reception. I made great friends from the start. All of my teachers believed in me. They saw the potential that I didn’t see before.
I want to study Computer Science and work in a scientific field. I will do A levels at Ark Globe Sixth Form. I am excited about it.”